
We have an excellent reputation for our approach to baptisms. Our Baptism team invests time in the Baptism family, meeting up in advance of any service to get to know the family, which enables us to make the service a personal one. It also allows us to outline what baptism really means, the role of Godparents, and the many ways in which we as a Church family can support you. We pray for every baptism family before and after the baptism service itself.

You can download a copy of our brochure about baptisms at St Michael's below. You can also find out more information about baptisms in the Church of England by clicking here.

You can submit an enquiry about a baptism, by entering your details in the form at the bottom of this page.

Please note: Canon Law (7th Edition) Section B 23.4 states that "No person shall be admitted to be a sponsor or godparent who has not been baptized and confirmed. Nevertheless the minister shall have power to dispense with the requirement of confirmation in any case in which in his judgement need so requires."  Godparents must therefore have been baptised.

Baptisms at St Michael's